Discover what you didn’t know about Western New England University, in Springfield, MA:
· WNE is one of only two schools in the U.S. carrying the two highest accreditations for a Sport Management program -The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and The Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA); and WNE is one of only three schools in the Northeast to offer an AACSB business degree (BSBA) in Sport Management.
· WNE is one of only two schools in the US that has a 6-year Engineering/Law program, and the only school that offers more than one option of engineering with the Law School.
· WNE is one of two schools in New England to offer a 5-year Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/ MBA program.
· WNE is the only private school in Western Massachusetts to have a College of Engineering and an AACSB International accredited College of Business.
· WNE is the only school in Western Massachusetts to have a Law School, a College of Pharmacy, and a Doctoral program in Occupational Therapy.
· WNE is one of a handful of colleges or universities to have undergraduate Baccalaureate programs in Arts and Entertainment Management and Business Analytics.
· WNE Engineering students start engineering classes first semester freshmen year and can graduate in 4 years without doing a 5 year co-op program.
· WNE Engineering students are required to do an individual senior design project which a faculty or corporation must sponsor, whereas most institutions have their seniors do projects in a group setting.
· One of the traditions that WNE has are the bed races, where students and parents build beds and race them during Family and Friends Weekend.
· During finals week, our students run the Cheesy Hotline, a fundraising service that delivers grilled cheese to students anywhere on campus for $1 per sandwich.
· The Rock. Placed in the President’s parking spot as part of a senior prank, the rock is now a staple on campus and advertises upcoming events throughout the year.
Kaitlyn M. O’Konis
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions
Western New England University
(413) 782-1321